Monday 11 May 2015



When we work on our computer, there is often a reminder window pop up from the bottom right corner of the screen saying "you must restart your computer for the new software updates". Most of the time we will click on "remind me later" to avoid our work being interrupted.

And there was one day, my computer was on and I was not doing anything specifically. And the window popped up. Then I think, maybe it's not a bad thing to restart my computer. It has been put on hibernation mode for quite a while and never got a real off. And with the new updates, the computer should perform better and run faster after restart.

So I begin to think: what if we can add the restart function into our relationship? How good will that be? With something new, with stronger power and let go the not so good part of it?

In fact, aren't these the three elements that all relationship experts commonly refer to as: "refreshment", "stimulation" and "be forgetful at the right time".
But the difference is, computer can do all the steps systematically without being influenced by emotional and physical condition. Installing, optimizing and deleting and done!

However, human is not a machine, even we try hard to be strictly rational, we can never guarantee a better result.






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